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  • Leadership: Why Character Trumps Charisma

    Strong character is foundational to outstanding leadership. No amount of education, experience, persuasiveness, charm, or results can make up for a leader's lack of character strength. Now and then, you hear about a leader failing big due to a lack of character. This principle was brought into sharp focus on an investigative podcast. It was about the rise and fall of a large, rapidly growing multi-million dollar non-profit. In six weeks, it went from being the third most prominent organization in its segment with $31MM in assets to not existing. How is it possible? At the heart of this question is why character trumps charisma. Here is what you need to know about charismatic leadership and a character strength that can supercharge your ability to perform. Why Leadership Character Matters A leader's knowledge, skills, and attributes define what should be done in a given situation, but the leader's character governs what will be do ne . In a study of executive leaders and their organizations over two years, CEOs who scored high on aspects of character had an average return on assets (ROA) of 9.35%, in contrast to CEOs with low ratings who had a ROA of 1.93%. Leadership character is shown to align the leader-follower relationship, increasing both leader and follower productivity, effectiveness, and creativity. Leadership character is vital in unifying a team and creating team cohesion. Followers actively support a leader who is effective and ethical and actively oppose a leader who is ineffective and unethical. What is charismatic leadership? Charismatic leaders can bring about tremendous positive change and unleash destruction on an organization. When discussing leadership and charismatic leaders, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Churchill are often brought up as examples of having positively impacted the world. If the conversation goes on long enough, examples of leaders and events like the murder of millions of people by Stalin and Hitler are used as sad reminders of the potential dark side of charismatic leaders. “Charisma can make a person stand out for a moment, but character sets a person apart for a lifetime .” – John C. Maxwell The charisma of charismatic leaders doesn't come from a place of positional power but from the perceptions followers hold of the leader. Charismatic leadership creates immense inspiration and dedication within followers to give extra effort. Charismatic leadership is influence applied to a follower's emotional involvement and commitment. Charismatic leaders tend to emerge from difficult times, offering solutions and hope. Their early successes, combined with a strong sense of self-confidence, assertiveness, and ambition, create the perception of extraordinary in the eyes of their followers. Charismatic leaders also tend to be polarizing, creating loyal followers or enemies. The strong sense of awe among followers tends to limit new ideas and critical feedback given to the leader. Charismatic leaders tend to take all the credit for success and blame others when things go wrong, alienating those who need help. This all-eyes-on-me approach creates enemies when the leader lacks a moral compass or strays too far from cultural norms . Charismatic leaders are skilled communicators and able to connect with followers on a deep, emotional level. Here is a speech from Winston Churchill, best known for being the prime minister of England during World War ll. What is leadership character strength? Leadership character is often taken for granted and considered hard to define and measure. Good leadership habits involve a combination of competence, commitment to challenging work, and character. Character is commonly described as a unique combination of personal traits, beliefs, and habits that motivate and guide how you relate to others. Having character strength is doing the right thing, for the right motives, and with the right feelings. Often, decisions between right and wrong are reactions made without contemplation because they come from our values, worldview, and past experiences. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” Martin Luther King, Jr. Our history, even as children, shapes our perception of the right thing. Our family, friends, religious leaders, and our community reinforce our morality. Universal leadership character principles include: Integrity – Being honest, acting consistently with principles, standing up for what is right, and keeping promises. Responsibility – Owning personal decisions, admitting mistakes, and showing concern for the common good. Forgiveness – Letting go of self and others' mistakes, focused on what is right versus only what is wrong. Compassion – Empathizing with others, empowering others , actively caring for others, and committing to others' growth. A leader's character influences both individual and organizational performance. Character determines how competencies are applied, shaping how decisions get implemented. Here is a short discussion with Simon Sinek and retired Navy Seal Commander Rich Diviney about the importance of character and how to measure a person's character. Conclusion: Why Character Trumps Charisma Charismatic leadership is powerful, creating immense inspiration and dedication within followers to go the extra mile. However, it can unleash destruction on an organization when moral character is absent within the leader. If you are curious about the podcast that inspired this article, it was The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. At the root of this story was an influential and domineering leader with a weak character. Leadership power was the drug that produced a domineering and influential leader who achieved great success by the numbers but, in the end, also a culture of toxicity and an organizational disaster. Leadership character strength is doing the right thing, for the right motives, and with the right emotions. Great leaders are influential and take responsibility for their followers and the business. They dare to make personal sacrifices so others can gain. Are you relying more on your character or charisma to lead? References: Badaracco, J. (1997). Defining moments: When managers must choose between right and right. Harvard Business School Press. Doolittle, J. (2023). Life-changing leadership habits: 10 proven principles that will elevate people, profit, and purpose. Organizational Talent Consulting. Kiel, F. (2015). Return on character: The real reason leaders and their companies win. Harvard Business Review Press. Sosik, J. & Jung, D. (2018). Full range leadership development; Pathways for people, profit, and planet. Routledge.

  • The Secret of a Thriving Company Culture

    Have you ever sat in a meeting and wondered where the discussion was going or what was happening? Maybe the point being made seemed questionable, or the actions of others were divisive. It's frustrating and confusing when values are just words for marketing campaigns and corporate communications. A recent study found that only one in four employees strongly agree that they can apply their company's values daily. You've probably experienced this to some extent before, and maybe now you're in a leadership position. I'll tell you a secret: company values don't have to feel aspirational. Thriving cultures where employees can live out the organization's values are possible. They require an actionable understanding of company culture and the ability of leaders to transform values into daily actions. Here is what you need to know and do to set your company up with a thriving culture. Why a positive company culture makes a big difference Your company culture is the one thing that influences every aspect of your business. It directly impacts the overall success of your organization, employees, customers, and communities where you do business. An organization's underlying values influence employees' behaviors and decisions. Company culture is a shared pattern or system of beliefs, values, and behavioral norms. Stated simply, it's how things get done when no one is watching. Much has been written on the competitive advantage of a positive company culture. Research has directly linked the effects on financial performance, customer satisfaction, employee teamwork, team cohesion, employee motivation, employee retention, and employee engagement. Your company culture creates an internal and external brand identity that influences people's thoughts about your organization. A recent human capital trends study by Deloitte suggested that 95% of candidates believe culture is more important than compensation—also, companies with a positive culture experience 8x higher profitability than S&P 400 firms. No company is looking to stay the same year. As the world changes, people and businesses must change. Organizational culture is critical to innovation . Just as some organizational culture characteristics can support innovation, others can also inhibit innovation. An actionable measure of company culture Organizational culture is complex. But, defining the culture in measurable and actionable terms is essential for a thriving company culture. The concept of culture is often considered too abstract to address and is not well understood. A recent study found that only 12% of companies claim to have a program in place to define and improve culture. The organizational culture assessment instrument ( OCAI ) based on the Competing Values Framework is an actionable measure of company culture. The survey was adapted from work by Dr. Kim Cameron and Dr. Robert Quinn as part of their Competing Values Framework research at the University of Michigan. The study empirically concluded that a company's focus and flexibility moderate effectiveness. The Competing Values Framework identifies four fundamentally different cultures. Clan Culture creates a collaborative atmosphere like a family. This culture emphasizes the value of teamwork, participation, and a consensus decision-making style. Adhocracy Culture creates an energetic and entrepreneurial atmosphere. This culture stresses the importance of research and continuous improvement. Market Culture creates a competitive, fast-paced, results-oriented environment. This culture highlights coming in first. Hierarchy Culture is a top-down, formal, rule-based atmosphere. This culture emphasizes efficient, reliable, and cost-effective performance. Note: Adapted from Cameron and Quinn (2011). The framework enhances cultural understanding by simplifying the cultural description to only two fundamental dimensions: flexibility or stability and internal or external focus. The OCAI survey measures six aspects of the current and preferred organizational culture: Dominant characteristics describe the overall organization. Leadership style and how leadership competencies align to culture. Management of employees and the work situation. Organizational glue that holds everything together. Strategic emphases are the aspects of culture that guide strategy. Criteria for success determine the outcomes of an organization's culture. Instead of requiring companies to choose one ideal culture type, the survey and framework enable leaders to identify a preferred culture that uniquely aligns with current market trends and company strategic objectives. The survey highlights cultural congruence across teams. Evidence suggests that while cultural congruence is not a determinant of company success, incongruent organizations are much less effective. Congruence is the degree of alignment between current and preferred cultures along the six aspects of culture assessed. How to transform company values into company culture Individual change leads to organizational culture change. Different cultures have different needs for leadership competencies. Leaders should reflect on their leadership style before looking for ways to change the company. Consider how leadership habits align with your company values and the preferred culture. If you are looking for actionable and individualized feedback to enhance self-awareness of cultural strengths and opportunities, you will love using a 360-degree assessment customized to your needs. "Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out." Robert Collier After leadership has increased self-awareness, apply the following six culture levers to change how employees behave and perceive the company culture. Cutlure Lever #1: What leaders pay attention to regularly. One of the most potent tools for leaders to shape culture is what they pay attention to regularly. What leaders choose to measure, reward, and control matters, and the opposite is also true. For example, suppose an organization wants to build an analytical orientation within the culture. In that case, a great starting point is to ask leaders what data they use to make decisions. By asking the question, you reinforce the importance of data-driven decision-making. Culture Lever #2: How leaders react to critical incidents. Much can be revealed when a business or a leader faces a significant challenge. Mike Tyson said, "Everyone has a plan 'til they get punched in the face." These crucible moments in business are like a refining fire. It is the heightened emotional intensity that increases individual and organizational learning. For example, the recent global pandemic revealed much more about an organization's values than any about page on a website or company orientation ever would. Sodexo is one positive example of an organization that has demonstrated its commitment to employees even during a pandemic . Culture Lever #3: How leaders allocate resources and control costs. Budgets reveal a lot about the organization's assumptions and beliefs. Resources include physical assets such as equipment, tools, and human resources. What gets resourced gets reinforced. Going back to the example of creating an analytical orientation, leaders should consider what tools and resources employees have available for data analytics. Culture Lever #4: Deliberate role modeling and training. How leaders act and behave outside of training is more significant than what is said or demonstrated within leadership development events . Leaders looking to build an analytical cultural orientation would benefit by explaining to and showing the organization how they use data to make decisions on a routine basis. Culture Lever #5: How leaders allocate rewards. Rewards and recognition come in many different forms. Also, what is considered a reward varies from person to person. What gets rewarded, how it gets rewarded, and what does not reinforce organizational culture. There are tangible rewards and social rewards. Simply saying thank you for presenting a decision using data analytics is a social reward. Culture Lever #6: How leaders recruit, promote, and excommunicate. Who gets hired, promoted, and fired , and for what creates and reinforces organizational culture. Talent management decisions can be viewed as a more subtle nuance to culture change because decisions are influenced by explicitly stated criteria and unstated value priorities. A leader looking to influence an analytical cultural orientation would benefit from assessing the skill sets needed within the organization and then hiring based on those skills. Architecting a thriving company culture is time-consuming, but there is too much riding on it not to do something about it. As you get started, remember that organizations are likely to deny the need for change and become defensive at the suggestion of change. Organizational change creates anxiety for valid reasons. To overcome the barriers to change, the change leader needs to create a desire to survive and reduce learning anxiety by creating psychological safety . Leaders build psychological safety by demonstrating humility, selfless love, performance-based accountability, and vulnerability and consistently helping followers comprehend and accept the challenge. A plan on the front end will ensure desired results during execution. Sell the change within the company with a few concrete short stories, representing the best of the new culture and the necessity for change. Ensure a quick win is visible across the company. Be the change and turn your company values into action: Act! What is the real challenge ahead of you for a thriving company culture? References Bersin, J. (2015). Culture: Why it's the hottest topic in business today. Forbes. Bremer, M. (2019). How culture boosts performance. OCAI online. Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2011). Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on the competing Cameron, K., Quinn, R., Degraff, J., & Thakor, A. (2006). Competing values leadership: Creating value in organizations. Clark. (2020). The 4 stages of psychological safety : defining the path to inclusion and innovation (First edition.). Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Incorporated. Doolittle, J. (2023). Life-changing leadership habits: 10 proven principles that will elevate people, profit, and purpose. Organizational Talent Consulting. Dvorak, N., & Nelson, B. (2016). Few employees believe in their company's values. Gallup Business Journal. Flamholtz, E. (2001). Corporate culture and the bottom line. European Management Journal. Vol. 19 (3). 268-275. Schein, E. H., & Schein, P. (2016). Organizational culture and leadership, 5th edition (5th ed.)

  • How to Bring Out Your Best in the New Year

    What if your key to unlocking the best of what can be lies in moments of reflection on what was? As we begin this new year, I encourage you to spend some quiet time reflecting on this past year's unseen hurdles, the habits you reshaped, and what matters most. Evidence suggests that critical reflection on personal experiences unlocks learning, leading to better judgment and decision-making. The past year may have left you hesitant or feeling dreadful about an uncertain future. But you have to let go of the life you’re familiar with and take the risk to live the life you dream about. Framing the opportunity for this new year can move you and others out of their comfort zone and toward the best of what might be. Here is what you need to know about critical reflection and four steps to bring out your best in the new year. Why critical reflection matters Reflection is a powerful leadership tool. The ability to question personal and organizational assumptions and beliefs taken for granted enables leaders to learn from experiences. Effective reflection involves doubting, pausing, and being curious about the ordinary. The practice of critical reflection provides a path to deeper understanding. It enables leaders to elevate the significance of day-to-day experiences for personal and organizational growth. Critical reflection forces leaders to consider underlying causes for results. Critical reflection can create personal discomfort and internal conflict as you wrestle with favorable self-perceptions. However, leaders risk repeating bad decisions that could prove disastrous without considering alternate viewpoints. Biases are present in all leaders. Leadership is recognizing and leveraging the gap between stimulus and response to make a choice rather than make a knee-jerk reaction. When leaders become aware of unconscious biases, they gain various insights from seeing situations from different points of view. Reflection is essential for becoming aware of biases and making better choices. "Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." Viktor Frankyl Reflection improves critical thinking capacity. Critical thinking helps leaders navigate volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous situations common in every business. It is the ability to use cognitive skills and strategies to increase the probability of the desired outcome when problem-solving. Critical thinking for executive leadership is fundamental to business growth, increased speed, and sustainability. Here is a short video from Simon Sinek on his perspective on the value of pursuing critical self-reflection. How to integrate critical reflection into your leadership habits There is a saying in the military that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Here are three strategies for integrating critical reflection into your leadership habits in the new year. Critical Reflection Strategy #1: Journal Use a journaling app like Day One to capture your thoughts, feelings, successes, and frustrations. This approach is demonstrated to be incredibly impactful on leader-follower relationships, clarity of purpose, and improving new skills. Like building any habit, start small and tie it to an existing practice, like your routine, before you leave the office for the day. Critical Reflection Strategy #2: Solicit Follower Feedback Critical reflection should be a social process and is proven to be most successful when collaborative. Leaders need to understand how followers perceive their actions. Using a leadership 360 assessment  is one proven tool to improve critical reflection. These assessments typically gather feedback from their leader, peers, and direct reports allowing comparisons between themselves and others. This is one leadership assessment you need to be using. If you are not familiar with Leadership 360, you might want to sign up for my next free webinar on A Leaders Guide to 360-Degree Assessment . Critical Reflection Strategy #3: Discover New Ideas Books, articles, and assessments on leadership can enable leaders to examine a particular situation from a new point of view, supporting critical reflection. Thought leadership grounded in research provides leaders with proven solutions that can be applied and short cycle the learning process. If you are not a skilled speed reader, you may be surprised to know that you can learn how to read a book in an hour. Like any skill, there are tips and tricks to increase your speed and retention. Here is a bonus link to an assembled collection of my top five personal favorite books from thought leaders on the topics of change management, coaching, culture, innovation and creativity, leadership style, servant leadership, and strategic planning. Your inner game silently controls your outer game. Behaviors determine how and what should be done; our values and virtues determine what will be done in any given situation. In addition to the strategies for the how and what of critical reflection, it is important to consider the degree to which you demonstrate open-mindedness, responsibility, and wholeheartedness. These leadership attributes moderate the application of critical reflection: Open-mindedness.  The desire to listen to other points of view and recognize that even the most strongly held beliefs may be questioned. Open-minded leaders have very few ideas that cannot be changed. Responsibility.  The desire to pursue truth and apply it in day-to-day situations. Wholeheartedness. A sincere attitude toward the critical evaluation of themselves and others. A resolute commitment to make necessary changes and overcome a fear of failure. Four steps to bring out your best this year What sets apart the most successful leaders you know? I suggest self-awareness, how they look at the world, deliberateness, and their ability to learn and persevere. Too often, leaders and leadership teams spend too much time on the how and not enough on what. Especially as the new year begins in an attempt to avoid wasting time, it's tempting to jump immediately into action planning and rely on a past understanding of 'what' is important. While execution is essential, framing the opportunity is fundamental to bringing out your best. Here are four steps to reframe your mindset for the new year: Mindset Shift Step #1: Discovering your strengths. Shifting your mindset begins with focusing on the best of what is. Every leader has strengths. Unfortunately, most leaders tend to minimize their need to focus on their strengths and rely on addressing weaknesses. Having a strengths focus is not about ignoring weaknesses but prioritizing, pursuing, and leveraging strengths to bring out your best. A practical way to get started discovering your strengths is using strength-based assessments. The VIA Character Strengths Survey and the Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment are two of the most scientifically backed and relatively low-cost strength-based quantitative evaluations. These assessments can be completed online and provide development recommendations and support materials. For more information regarding the VIA Character Strengths Survey, visit . For more information regarding the CliftonStrengths Assessment, visit . Mindset Shift Step #2: Dreaming about your future. Spend some time considering what you want out of life and work. The following are a few appreciative questions to help you get started: What would you wish for if you had three wishes to improve your success and significance in the new year dramatically? (and no, you cannot wish for more wishes) Imagine it is five or ten years from today, and everything you had wished for and hoped for has come true. What would you see and hear? Describe the changes in people, work, places, etc. Describe what you have done to make these changes possible. What if it is five or ten years from today, and you have done nothing? Describe what this kind of life is like. Compare this version with your dream version of your life and use this learning to clarify what is at stake. As you encounter obstacles to achieving your dream, being explicit will help you make better decisions in the moment. Mindset Shift Step #3: Design what should be. Write it down. When you write down a dream, it turns into a description. A study by Dr. Gail Matthews found that the simple act of writing down goals and dreams significantly improved success. Take the answers to your questions in step two and create action-oriented design statements of a few sentences that focus on each key theme. Mindset Shift Step #4: Break it down into steps. You next need to break down your dream statements into steps. Design statements might have some overlap with actions for making the dream a reality: Brainstorm ideas with others about the specific things that can be accomplished now and those that can be achieved soon. Consider the various strategies and their timing. Not everything needs to happen now, and not everything should be put off until next year. After you have the dream broken down into steps, you will want to write down targets, goals, strategies, and potential action items to achieve the different aspects of the dream. “The hardest thing to do is leaving your comfort zone. But you have to let go of the life you’re familiar with and take the risk to live the life you dream about.” T. Arigo Shifting our mindset allows new perspectives and presents a never-ending opportunity to grow and achieve new heights in life and work. An effective executive coach will challenge assumptions and encourage, stretch, and challenge you. If you have questions about getting started with executive coaching, let's talk. What is your real New Year challenge? Key summary points Critical reflection on personal experiences unlocks new learnings, leading to improved decision-making and better judgment. The ability to learn through reflection and shift your mindset will bring out your best in the new year. Critical reflection can create personal discomfort and internal conflict as you wrestle with favorable self-perceptions. Open-mindedness, responsibility, and wholeheartedness are three good leadership attributes essential to critical reflection. Too often, leaders and leadership teams spend too much time on the how and not enough on what. While execution is essential, framing the opportunity determines success and significance. References: Densten, I. L., & Gray, J. H. (2001). Leadership development and reflection: What is the connection? International Journal of Educational Management, 15(3), 119-124. Doolittle, J. (2023). Life-Changing Leadership Habits: 10 Proven Principles That Will Elevate People, Profit, and Purpose. Organizational Talent Consulting. Gardner, S. & Albee, D. (2015). Study focuses on strategies for achieving goals, resolutions. Dominican University of California. Rath, T. (2007). StrengthsFinder 2.0, Gallup Press.

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  • Training Courses | Org Talent Csltg

    Find the Leadership Development Training You Need Grow as a leader In-Person Live Online Company Solutions DOWNLOAD COURSE CATALOG Filter by Course Type Select Type Filter by Course Topic Select Topic Filter by Date Select Date Live Online LEADERSHIP A Leader's Guide to 360-Degree Assessment “To know yourself, you must sacrifice the illusion that you already do.” Tugaleva What you need to know to start using a leadership 360-degree assessment and getting the actionable and individualized feedback you need from others. Upcoming Events & Details FREE In-Person LEADERSHIP Building a Powerful Virtual Workforce Community Empowering Leaders for Virtual Success We’ve spent years investing in leaders on how to manage people and teams around the concept of face-to-face interaction. That’s no longer a reality for most leaders, and it’s time that we equip leaders in our organizations with better tools and approaches to building healthy, powerful virtual communities. Upcoming Events & Details In-Person LEADERSHIP Growing Effective Teams Program A strengths-based approach to high performance teams Elevate your team's effectiveness through a strengths-based, data-driven approach. This program focuses on building trust, communication, and collaboration to achieve remarkable results. Upcoming Events & Details In-Person CHANGE MANAGEMENT Leading Organizational Change Produce change Handle change well and win; handle it poorly and fail. In an environment of perpetual change, the enemy of great change leadership is good change management. Discover the leadership attributes behaviors that drive change and the tools to plan and implement change well. Upcoming Events & Details Live Online LEADERSHIP Servant Leadership Skillsets & Mindsets Results and Relationships Discover the skillsets and mindsets that set the servant leadership approach apart from other contemporary styles. Upcoming Events & Details FREE In-Person SUCCESSION PLANNING A Leader's Guide to Succession Planning How to identify, prepare, and nurture successors Increase the availability of experienced and ready employees in the right jobs now and in the future with proven practices and tips for how to overcome common risks. Upcoming Events & Details In-Person PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Creating a Culture of Accountability See It, Own It, Solve It, and Do It. Steps leaders can take to build a positive culture that reinforces personal and organizational ownership necessary for achieving results. Upcoming Events & Details In-Person CHANGE MANAGEMENT Helping Others Make Change Work Being a change agent Thoughts and beliefs influence behaviors and actions. Learn how to gauge change reactions and the steps to effectively help yourself and others become change-resilient. Upcoming Events & Details In-Person PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Maximizing Performance Bring out the best in your employees Leaders believe their team's performance is tied to their personal and professional success, but few are intentionally bringing out the best in their employees on a daily basis. Upcoming Events & Details In-Person STRATEGIC The Strategic Leader Think, act, and influence strategically Discover the habits and mindset to transform your organization's trajectory. Learn to think critically, make bold decisions, and inspire your team to achieve extraordinary results. Gain the competitive edge you need to navigate a complex and ever-changing business landscape. Upcoming Events & Details In-Person STRATEGIC Becoming Future-Ready Enable better decision-making to be future-ready In today's complex and fast-paced digital marketplace, no organization is looking to stay the same year over year. The goal is not to predict the future but to enable better decision-making and preparedness so that leaders can grow revenue amid uncertainty. Upcoming Events & Details In-Person INNOVATION & CREATIVITY Creative Thinking Approach problems in unconventional ways Creative strategies to solve worthwhile problems aligned with your business goals. Upcoming Events & Details In-Person LEADERSHIP Leadership Discovery If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together Improve relationships, communication, productivity, trust, and teamwork amid polarization and an increasingly diverse workforce. Upcoming Events & Details In-Person LEADERSHIP Servant Leadership Development Program Lead with Heart, Empower Your Team Leaders become servant leaders - and take action amid economic uncertainty and operate effectively in a digital workplace with an increasingly diverse workforce. We shine a light on what makes certain leaders excel while others underperform. Upcoming Events & Details

  • Organizational Talent Consulting | Top Links

    VIDEO: HOW OTC GUIDES YOU BOOK: Life-Changing Leadership Habits BLOG: Organizational Espresso SPEAKING: Book Dr Jeff Doolittle FREE TOOLS FREE WEBINAR SERIES WHITE PAPER: Architecting Culture CONTACT

  • Strategic Planning Solutions | Organizational Talent Consulting

    Scroll OD ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN SA STRATEGIC ACTION PROCESS SP STRATEGIC PLANNING CONSULTING + OD Organizational Design Consulting Organization redesign is a healthy activity for a maturing organization. In a recent global trend report, 92% of executives identified redesigning their organizations as a critical priority. Our experience can help you avoid pitfalls, such as focusing on “who” rather than “what,” and maximizing the many benefits such as increased profitability, performance, and committed employees. Our process involves three phases: assessment, design, and implementation. OD + SA Strategic Action Process Consulting Leaders often self-identify that strategy is an area they need to improve. We help business leaders at all levels create fresh strategies and action plans to make your leadership team more effective and achieve your organizational goals. If this is something you’re challenged with, let’s set up a quick call. The typical process includes the leadership team survey, analysis, debrief meeting, and recommendations to support your successful implementation. STRATEGIC ACTION + SP Strategic Planning Consulting Today’s marketplace is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Many leaders feel ill-equipped to create meaningful strategic plans because they don’t feel capable of preparing for an unpredictable future. We help leaders become future smart. Then we help create insight and agility, not bureaucracy and five-year budgets. Our services include meeting and process facilitation, research and analysis, and roadmaps for organizational alignment and implementation. We also help leaders and employees create communication and change management strategy. STRATEGIC PLANNIN PRINCIPAL CONSULTANT Meet our Principal Strategic Planning Consultant that helps organizations create and execute better strategies. Connect with Dr. Jeff Doolittle Dr. Jeff Doolittle As the founder of Organizational Talent Consulting, Jeff is a business executive with over twenty years of organizational strategy experience working with frontline to C-Suite leaders in Fortune 100, Forbes top 25 private, for-profit, non-profit, and global companies in multiple sectors. Throughout his career, he has enjoyed leading wholesale organization culture change, working with and learning from different global cultures, and opportunities to quickly impact the business. Jeff’s knowledge and expertise include strategic planning facilitation, strategy design, driving change, and workforce strategies to achieve influence and grow organizations in the pharmaceutical manufacturing, retail, residential and commercial services, healthcare, food and beverage, engineering, and higher education industries. Subscribe to Our Site Receive fresh Ideas to stimulate individual, team, and organizational effectiveness SUBSCRIBE Thanks for subscribing! YES, I WANT TO THRIVE NO, I HAVE ENOUGH SUCCESS Do you want to thrive?

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